Several years have passed since my last post here on My American Guitar and you may wonder what happened since. The short version is: I lost all the photos I took on my 2022 “USA trip down memory lane”. A combination of possibly a few Bloody Marys too many with a few serendipitous encounters involving the “Green Day” and the “Judas Priest” crews on my return trip to Berlin from L.A. may have partially been to blame.
So many golden impressions. All lost. I tried to get them back for some time. I failed. Against the Amsterdam Airport bureaucracy. Then lost the courage to follow up.
Time has just flown by and a few summers have come and gone. My American Guitar has not had any major gigs since then. A few smaller ones here and there. “Special European Moments across the Continent” I might call them. They include trips to the UK, Poland, and the Balkans.
In the meantime, life has taken its toll, and I have regularly frequented my two healing places – the Bavarian Chiemgau and the Italian Lake of Garda – and they have joined forces with a third one: the South of French Brittany aka “la Bretagne”. The photo above was taken there. More impressions are available on my Instagram feed Philipp K. Wagner (@wagnerarbitration)
For now, I leave you to it and trust there will be more to tell on “My American Guitar” before too long! Take care, travel often, and eat well!